Thursday, January 7, 2010

Hey, Some New Work

These images came about from a semi long period of photographers block I had a relatively short while ago. Struggling to conceive of any form of imagery or concept I turned to my moderate sized library of photo books to look for inspiration. Upon looking through the second or third book it dawned on me how odd it was that I was looking through texts to find some form of insight. Instead of looking to past experiences, or even my own previous work, I went to the books, and it was this act that compelled me to create this piece, this amusing idea of learning to create a "perfect" photograph.

The idea just tickles me funny, that I'm learning to create art by reading these books and old notes, that the entire process of making this "perfect" photograph is equivalent to studying for a quiz. Rather than going out and experiencing life, or getting some practical experience by going out and actually taking photographs, one just needs to read books to create that "perfect photograph".

Certainly being a student influenced this piece, this overwhelming amount of information and paper. For the shot I piled up every photography book I have, including old notes and film. The flame in the third image is open for interpretation, I have my own reason for it, but I'll leave it open for now.

1 comment:

j.b. raetzke said...

i'm so happy to see your work up here, and i am equally happy about the bfa in photo. those meetings can be brutal, but can often be the impetus for something wonderful. post photos of your thesis whenever that gets done, please.