Monday, October 6, 2008


1. a large group of animals, esp. hoofed mammals, that live, feed, or migrate together or are kept together as livestock
2. a large group of people, typically with a shared characteristic: : I dodged herds of joggers and cyclists | he is not of the common herd.

verb [with adverbial of direction ]
1. move in a particular direction
2. keep or look after (livestock)


"Coming & Going"

"Against the Flow"

After moving through this mass of students between classes for the past year, I got this amusing thought that I was moving through a gigantic herd. Visually I wanted to cram as many students into one shot as possible, to give a somewhat claustrophobic feeling - so it would seem as if everyone was shoulder to shoulder. I also didn't want there to be a single focus on any one individual - in part to keep the viewer lost in the crowd, but also to try and keep the viewer from identifying with anyone in the scene. I wanted their to be this lack of individuality so everyone in the shot just blends into this mass sea of people.

The one color shot I included to give context to where these students are. The two black and white photographs I wanted to capture nothing but the crowd, but with the color image I wanted to show the beauty of the scenery around these students, and to show that no one in the shots really seems to take notice of this beauty: their just looking ahead, moving forward, concerned with just getting to their destination.

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